"Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li"; "I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me". The transition from a month of suffering into a month of closeness and love between G-d and the Jewish People sets the stage for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Hashem lets us know that after suffering there is an opportunity to get close- each personal and communal challenge is an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with the Almighty.
(See Video Below:)
(This is an excerpt from the Rebbetzin's Column in the Jewish Week about the month of Elul:)
"It is Chodesh Elul, and we have to prepare ourselves for our day in court with the King of kings, Judge of judges and Father of fathers, so I would like to give a report to Him on His children.
So, as our day in court quickly approaches, I would like to give a report to the King of kings, the Judge of judges, the Father of fathers, on the state of His children. Baruch HaShem, they are loyal...they are here.... they have not forgotten their Father, their King. But I would also like to add my own personal prayer: Almighty G-d, You launched Your children, into a long, dark exile in which we encountered every form of affliction and enticement. Time and again, it appeared that we would be devoured, that we would disappear, but despite it all, We, Your children, have never completely forgotten You. Even in the midst of darkness, pain and suffering, when we hear a reminder of Your voice - a message from Your Torah, a transformation takes place in our hearts and our pintele Yid becomes a flame. So, as Rosh Hashana quickly approaches, open the Heavenly Gates to us, your children - lead us into Your chambers with love. “Horeini HaShem Darkeicha” - “Teach us Your ways, Oh G-d” (Psalm 27), and send us Moshiach Tzidkeinu - the final redemption.
May HaShem grant us all a gut gebensht yahr - a blessed year, a year of health and well-being, a year of Torah, a year of mitzvos, a year of ahavas Yisrael - love between Jew and Jew, a year of peace, prosperity and joy....A year in which we will behold the final redemption of our people"
So, as our day in court quickly approaches, I would like to give a report to the King of kings, the Judge of judges, the Father of fathers, on the state of His children. Baruch HaShem, they are loyal...they are here.... they have not forgotten their Father, their King. But I would also like to add my own personal prayer: Almighty G-d, You launched Your children, into a long, dark exile in which we encountered every form of affliction and enticement. Time and again, it appeared that we would be devoured, that we would disappear, but despite it all, We, Your children, have never completely forgotten You. Even in the midst of darkness, pain and suffering, when we hear a reminder of Your voice - a message from Your Torah, a transformation takes place in our hearts and our pintele Yid becomes a flame. So, as Rosh Hashana quickly approaches, open the Heavenly Gates to us, your children - lead us into Your chambers with love. “Horeini HaShem Darkeicha” - “Teach us Your ways, Oh G-d” (Psalm 27), and send us Moshiach Tzidkeinu - the final redemption.
May HaShem grant us all a gut gebensht yahr - a blessed year, a year of health and well-being, a year of Torah, a year of mitzvos, a year of ahavas Yisrael - love between Jew and Jew, a year of peace, prosperity and joy....A year in which we will behold the final redemption of our people"
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